Business Intelligence platform for machine-generated data
LogBI® is an analysis and reporting platform for Business Intelligence applications
which interact with data generated by machines or hardware devices.
LogBI users improve production capacity; reduce costs, and increase efficiency, quality and reliability of their products. LogBI OEM partners utilize it to increase the value of their products and gain unmatched insight into their real-world, real-time usage.
Grid Group
Events Breakdown
Events Distribution
Top Events Pie Chart
Wafer Flow Chart
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Data collection
LogBI collects, analyzes and saves Machine-generate data. Analyzed results can be consolidated with other sources of data, exposed to other applications, or used for display. Read More >
Analyses and reports
Users can display analyses based on the data collected and interact with them to a great extent (zoom and drill-down on charts, sort, group, summarize and search tables, etc'), in order to extract meaningful & actionable information.
"Reports" are defined as combinations of analyses aggregated into a single file (PPT, PDF, XLS, etc'); users can create them ad-hoc or open them from templates to avoid repetitive work.
Reports can also be generated and distributed automatically.
The "LogBI Developer" tool allows users to create any number of additional custom analyses and reports easily. Read More >
Flexible solutions
LogBI platform includes different components (Server, Client, Developer, etc'), each offered in several editions.
This allows us to custom-fit the solution to diverse customer requirements and constraints. Read More >
Client-server architecture
Client-Server architecture allows online or offline work, harnessing server-power for analyses and client-power for display. It also allows synchronizing data across the enterprise. Read More >

LogBI is currently offered in 3 forms for 3 main types of businesses:
Manufacturers of sophisticated machines (industrial, medical, etc')
Bundle LogBI with your machines: increase their value by supplementing them with sophisticated analysis and reporting capabilities, tailored specifically for their usage.
Use LogBI directly (connect your main office to your installed products world-wide): enhance customer support, reduce operational costs, increase the quality and reliability of your machines, etc'. Read More >
Industrial Integrators / factories
Use LogBI on machines' HMI panels in the production line, on stand-alone stations in the factory control room, or at the plant headquarters.
Provide machine-operators with unmatched analysis capabilities allowing them to rapidly pinpoint the cause of a malfunction or to confirm or reject a batch.
Allow management to define KPIs, measure OEE, monitor downtime, improve overall plant capacity efficiency and performance, and reduce costs. Build and customize your own reports using the LogBI-Developer tool. Read More >
Industrial software solutions developers
Concentrate on machine connectivity and control or any specific industrial process or improvement algorithm your might have expertise with. Add LogBI as an analytic layer and reporting engine to you products, to increase their value and reduce your development costs. Read More >
Well-established yet constantly evolving:
LogBI is installed on hundreds of stations worldwide.
Thanks to our client-base, LogBI constantly evolves and extends, adding new features and modules.
Best UI and experience:
LogBI has the best user interface and experience available for analytics and reporting. It is office-2007 style desktop application, highly interactive, supporting ad-hoc and template-based reporting with sophisticated capabilities of creating custom reports.
Can we help?
Would you like a live demo? Do you have any questions? Call us now, and we'll be more than happy to help!
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