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LogBI server components' editions
LogBI client components' editions
Machine manufacturers architectures
LogBI server components' editions
The LogBI server editions and their respective features are described in the following table: LGHT denotes "Light", STRD denotes "Standard" and ENTR denotes "Enterprise":
# Feature Description LGHT STDR ENTR
1 Basic server infrastructure Database, web-services, IIS configuration
2 Data collection listener Allows LogBI-HMI clients and LogBI-Data-Collectors to push data from the machines to the server
3 Database auto-management features Automatic database management features like purging old data
4 Basic access control User-defined list of user names and passwords or list of windows-authenticated users
5 Data integrity control Any attempt to load duplicate data is identified and ignored
6 Data upload agent Upload analyzed data to Enterprise Server
7 File-system synchronization Ability to synchronize analysis objects and outputs between server and clients
8 Data collection agent Service used to collect information from different machines
9 Analysis-level security Ability to define permissions per analysis
10 Automatic report generation Server creates and distributes reports
11 Support for administration control Administration control is performed through a dedicated module
12 Server tasks monitor See status of different tasks performed by the server
13 Data sync with other servers Collect information from other servers (through their data upload agent)
14 Analyzed data API Ability to request analyzed sets of data in order to integrate it with other applications
15 Data encryption Support for data encryption for data-collection and online report-generation
16 Server switching administration Ability to switch between different servers from the same administration panel
17 Machine-hierarchy security Ability to define permissions per machine type
18 Install-base management Managing hierarchy of machine types and locations and machine parameters, adding new machines, etc'
19 Direct database query tool Allows users to query the LogBI data structures directly